The Euphōnos quartet is a group of 4 musicians. Coming from different countries and
surroundings, what united them all was their passion for the euphonium. It wasn’t long before
they decided to form an ensemble where they can explore different roles of this uncommon
Playing pieces originally written for other instruments may be a handicap for some, but they
see it as an opportunity to challenge their technical and musical abilities. Their repertoire
ranges from vocal Renaissance to XXIst century music.
Euphonium is a member of the low brass family. Its name originates from the Greek word
“euphōnos”, meaning “beautiful sounding”. It’s conical in bore, meaning the tubing of the
instrument gets gradually wider, which gives it its characteristic dark and mellow sound.
12.00u – 12.55u | Tuba Quartet
klassiek, koffieconcert, ZONDAG